Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance
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Hands on Kyusho Jitsu

Hands on Kyusho Jitsu: Pressure Point Manipulation with devastating results. An eBook that explores pressure point manipulation in self-defense. A must have for all Kyusho students. Learn more now. #kyusho #pressurepoints

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October 08, 2024
Body Language of Self Defense

Body Language of Self Defense: The art of knowing when trouble is arising. How to understand non-verbal cues of impending attack. Follow this link to learn more now. #kyusho #pressurepoints #selfdefense

October 07, 2024
6 Energy Hands of Kyusho Jitsu

6 Energy Hands of Kyusho Jitsu. Video Course that explains the advanced energy hands of pressure point self-defense. AKA 6 Ji Hands. Follow this link to learn more now, and see the special price. #kyusho #pressurepoints

October 06, 2024
Dim Mak Vibrating Palm

Part Two in the Secrets of Kyusho Jitsu Series on the Dim Mak Vibrating Palm. Learn everything about the secret "touch of death" of Dim Mak. Do not miss the special price this week only. #dimmak #pressurepoints #kyusho

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