Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance
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September 29, 2024
Kosho Ryu Sho Chiku Bai

Kosho Ryu Sho Chiku Bai: The Crest of Kosho Ryu. This eBook is part of the Kosho Ryu Series. This volume will focus on the crest of Kosho Ryu and its meaning. Follow this link to learn more about this important crest. #kosho #koshoryu

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October 02, 2024
Hands on Kyusho Jitsu

Hands on Kyusho Jitsu: Pressure Point Manipulation with devastating results. An eBook that explores pressure point manipulation in self-defense. Follow this link to learn about this new eBook. #kyusho #pressurepoints #selfdefense

October 01, 2024
Kyusho Jitsu Restraints Video Course

Welcome to Kyusho Jitsu Restraint Techniques which is part 4 of the Kyusho Jitsu Techniques Series of video courses. This is important for low escalation events. Follow this link to learn more. #kyusho #pressurepoints

September 30, 2024
Kosho Ryu Insights

Kosho Ryu Insights Video Course. A deeper understanding of the Natural Laws of Kosho Ryu and its lifelong teachings. Follow this link now to learn more and see the amazing price. #kosho #koshoryu #martialarts

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