Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance
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September 04, 2024
Who Owns your Mind?

Who owns your mind? Taking charge of your mind by taking control of the external sources trying to control your thoughts. Follow this link to read more now! #wba #martialarts #themind #disciplinedmind

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Dim Mak Iron Shirt

The Secrets of Kyusho Jitsu Series Part Three. The secrets of the Dim Mak Iron Shirt Training in this 3rd book of this new Kyusho Series. Follow this link to read more now and do not miss the special price! #dimmak #kyusho

September 10, 2024
Kyusho Webinar Archive

Beginning in 2018, this extensive series of webinars delves deep into the foundational theories and advanced concepts of Kyusho Jitsu, the art of pressure points in martial arts. Learn more here. #kyusho #pressurepoints

September 09, 2024
Kosho Ryu Skeletal Freeze Theory

Welcome to the Theories and Concepts of Kosho Ryu Video Series. The Kosho Skeletal Freeze Theory. Natural Laws of Self Defense. Once you own the skeleton you control the attacker. Read more now #kosho #koshoryu #naturallaws

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