Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance
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Pressure Points Work Best

Integration of Kyusho Jitsu for street defense requires understand that Pressure Points works best when the body is weak. Follow this link to read this important new article. #kyusho #pressurepoints #freekyusho

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September 18, 2024
Pressure Point Fighting from Kata to Street

Taking the teachings found in traditional martial arts and applying them to the streets. Pressure Point Fighting: from Kata to Street. Follow this link now to learn about the amazing low price. #kyusho #pressurepoints #kata

September 17, 2024
The Warrior's Mind

The Warrior's Mind: Inner Strength through Stoicism and Martial Arts. Explore the path of strength, focus, integrity, and perseverance. Follow this link to read more now and do not miss the special price! #kyusho #kosho #martialarts

September 16, 2024
Kosho Triangulation Theory

The Kosho Core Concepts Series is proud to present Part 3 Kosho Triangulation Theory. The Natural Laws of Movement and the Octagon. Follow this link to read more now and do not miss the special price! #kosho #koshoryu #martialarts

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